- Rotate the LIFTER LEVER # 11645 until it locks into place (Figure 6). This will raise the PRESSER FOOT #11399 above the THROAT PLATE # 11210.
- Remove the NEEDLE—D5.
- Remove the LOOPER COVER # 11102.
- Remove the throat plate (Figure 7).
- Remove the FEED DOG # 11203.
- Turn the machine PULLEY # 11904 (Figure 4) until the feed dog is at its lowest position.
- Remove the SCREW #SC8321 and the WASHER #WF8S.
- Pull the feed dog gently off the CARRIER BLOCK # 11437.
- Install the new LOOPER # 11300.
- Using an allen wrench, loosen the set screw in LOOPER HOLDER # 11301.
- Pull the old looper.
- Insert the new looper in the looper holder with the flat on the looper shank facing the set screw. Be sure that the new looper is pushed as far as it will go into the looper holder.
- Tighten the set screw against the flat on the looper shank.
- Install a new needle and proceed with looper stroke adjustment.
- Rotate the lifter lever out until it locks into place as shown (Figure 6). This will raise the presser foot above the throat plate.
- Remove the looper cover.
- Remove the throat plate.
- Remove the feed dog gently off the carrier block.
- Turn machine pulley until the looper is at maximum back stroke position to left of needle. The looper stroke is correct when there is 1/32″ (.032″) (8mm) between looper point and edge of needle when looper is at maximum back stroke (Figure 8). Use 1/32″ gauge for checking this clearance. If correct proceed to next adjustment. If incorrect remove housing cover. Loosen socket cap screw and rotate looper unit 1/32″ until clearance is achieved. Reinstall cover.