The Express Scale Model 500 is a bag closing belt conveyor usually operated in conjunction with commercial sewing head. The Model 400 is an 86” long conveyor with a ½ HP variable-speed DC motor that allows one operator to fill, sew, and stack bags at a rate of 4 per minute.1 The position of the sewing head and height of the conveyor can be manually adjusted. The standard Model 500 has a 12″ wide, 3-ply, neoprene rough top belt and an adjustable 6″ wide metal backboard.
A filled bag moves down the conveyor and trips a wand switch that stops the conveyor. The operator re-gussets the bag, depresses the foot pedal to restart the conveyor and guides the bag through the sewing head. After the bag is sewn, the operator removes his or her foot from the pedal, which stops the sewing head but allows the bag to continue down the conveyor.
Standard Features:
- 86″ long conveyor
- ½ HP variable-speed DC motor
- 12″ wide, 3-ply, neoprene rough top belt
- Adjustable height conveyor bed
- Adjustable 6″ wide metal backboard
- Sewing head position adjustable with hand crank
- Foot-pedal operator control
- Wand stop switch
- Flexible design accommodates various combinations of sewing head, scale, bin capacity, and conveyor characteristics to meet your specific needs. Call 608-221-8180 for details or email [email protected]
1Testing might be required to determine obtainable speeds and accuracy for your application.
Approximate Dimensional Drawing:
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