Brand: All Packaging Machinery
Made in the USA ![This product is made in the USA]()

The APM Model SBP-DS Poly Bagger & Drop Sealer opens bags to be manually filled and then heat seals one at a time. Using a puff of air, the SBP-DS opens the poly bag, allowing the operator to place the product in the bag and then push the bag into the Gravity Drop Sealer. The Gravity Drop Sealer then automatically or manually seals and trims the bag. The bags are sealed using either a 1/16”-1/8” hot bar or a 1/8”-1/4” heated wire. polyethylene, polypropylene, Tyvek, Foil, Nylon, co-extrusion, Cellophane, polylaminates and poly-coated paper bags 2”-16” wide by 4”-22” long can be used with the SBP-DS
- Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Tyvek, Foil, Nylon, Co-extrusion, Cellophane, polylaminates and poly-coated paper bags
- Wicketted, non-wicketted, lip type, flush cut, saddle pack, and flap type bags
- Bag Sizes: 2”-16” wide by 4”-22” long, other models up to 30” wide and 40” long
- Available Seals:
- smokeless and odorless bead trim
- 1/8” smokeless and odorless seal and trim
- 1/8”-1/4” seal & trim
- 1/16”-1/8” wide hot bar seal & trim
- Heavy Duty Construction: welded and painted steel with stainless steel contact surfaces.
- USDA approved: All SBP stainless steel models available. The DS is not available in SS.
- Vertical Filling SBP Models
- Custom product guides for the SBP
- Compression plate for the DS
Utility Requirements:
- Electrical: yes
- Air: yes