Pecan Bagging EquipmentPecans are available as whole-shell, halves, small pieces, meal and flour in 1 to 30 lb. bags, tins and boxes.

For bagging 1 to 10 lb. whole shell, halves, small pieces or meal, we recommend the Logical S-4 or Weigh Right iQ-1E vibratory, net weigh bag filler and the APM Model VCBS bag sealer.

For bagging 10 to 30 lb. whole shell, halves, small pieces or meal, we recommend the Weigh Right PMB Model 3601 bagger and the APM Model VCBS bag sealer. For palletizing we recommend the Highlight pallet stretch wrapper.  

For recommendations for bagging pecan flour, contact us.

Logical S-4 Bagger

Inpak Systems offers a wide variety of other bagging machines that maybe suitable for pecan bagging applications.

For more filling options go to our Open Mouth Bag Filling Section.

For more closing options go to our Bag Sealing Section.

For more bag handling options go to our Conveying Section.

For more palletizing options go to our Palletizing Section.


With over 35 years of experience in the pecan bagging industry and representing over 40 manufacturers, Inpak Systems is in a unique position to recommend the best packaging equipment that will satisfy your specific bagging needs. Not sure which pecan packaging system is the best for you…. contact us.

Recommended Bagging Equipment for Pecans