navy beansDried navy beans are available in 16 oz to 8 lb. poly bags for retail and 5 to 20 lb. burlap & poly woven bags for commercial applications. 

For small (less than 10 lb.) poly bags, we recommend the Logical S-4 or the Weigh Right iQ-1E net weigh, digital scale and APM VBS band sealer.

For large (more than 10 lb.) burlap & poly woven bags we recommend the Hamer 100GW, gross weigh, digital bagger and the Fischbein 400T NS bag tape sewer.

For palletizing we recommend the Highlight pallet stretch wrapper.

INPAK SYSTEMS offers a wide variety of other packaging machines that maybe suitable for navy beans bagging applications.

With over 30 years of experience in the navy bean bagging industry and representing over 40 manufacturers, INPAK SYSTEMS is in a unique position to recommend the best packaging equipment that will satisfy your specific navy bean bagging needs.

Not sure which navy bean packaging system is the best for you…. contact us.

Recommended Bagging Equipment For Navy Beans