Hops (also called seed cones or strobiles) are the female flower of the hop plant. Hops are grown on vines and harvested in the fall. The cones are removed from the vines, dried and pressed into 200 lb. burlap or plastic bags called bales. The bales are shipped to processors where the hops are ground and extruded into pellets.

Hops are sold as leaf, whole flower (cones) or pellets. Hops for home brewing or micro-breweries are usually packaged in N2 purged, vacuum sealed poly, Mylar or foil bags. Bag sizes range from as small as a few ounces for home brewers up to 110 kg (242 lb.) for large commercial brewers.

For closing the pressed hop bails we recommend the horizontal Fischbein Model F portable bag sewer.

For home brewing bagging applications we recommend: the Logical S-4 or the Weigh Right iQ-1E vibratory, net weigh bagger, AmeriVacS Model AVN vacuum sealer with N2 purge, and the Highlight pallet stretch wrapper. 

For commercial brewing bagging applications we recommend: the Weigh Right PMB 3600 vibratory net weigh bagger, AmeriVacS Model AVN vacuum sealer with N2 purge, and the Highlight pallet stretch wrapper. 

INPAK SYSTEMS offers a wide variety of other hops packaging equipment that maybe suitable for your hops bagging applications.

With over 30 years of experience in the hops bagging industry and representing over 40 manufacturers, INPAK SYSTEMS is in a unique position to recommend the best hops packaging equipment that will satisfy your specific hops bagging needs. Not sure which hops packaging system is best for you?…. contact us.

Recommended Bagging Equipment for Hops